10 Makeup mistakes for women

September 14, 2017


1. Your Foundation’s Too Pale

Foundation problems exist in every department of the beauty mistakes arena, but when it comes to prematurely aging your look, foundation that’s too pale really is hard to top. You go for shades your own color when you are young and fresh and have a healthy glow to your face.
Once you start to grow older and the birthdays pass to a point you no longer want to speak your age, well, then using your own color does you a great disservice and you pale naturally anyhow. You’re going to look pretty pasty if the color matches your pallid features perfectly.
Instead, go for something warmer by using a shade deeper than your own. The best is to mix your current shade with a notch darker one and apply with a foundation brush, ensuring maximum coverage.
You don’t really want the pink undertones either, especially if your face has a problem with blotches of ruddiness.

2. Your Concealer’s Too Cakey

We all know the pains of cakey concealer and the terrible way it looks like you are wearing a total mask to the outside world. It sinks into lines when you need it to fill them out and smooth the look instead.
What you should be doing is applying the concealer to the inner half of the under-eyes, over the dark circles or just skip this product and opt for a highlighter instead. You have the choice between a matte or bright-eyes look here and we all know that the brightest eyes are a sure sign of youth.
Plus, highlighters are moisturizing and only the heavens know how badly we need that aspect of it on our skins. You’ll shed off the years so quickly you’d wish you can do the same for the excess pounds on your hips.

3. You Are Certainly Overdoing Your Brows

Sparse arches need filling but when it’s overdone, angular and downright too bold a brow, you’re committing a major makeup faux pas. Why this would happen is often found in your makeup kit.
Or perhaps it’s the lack of a brow pencil altogether that’s the culprit here as an eyeliner is certainly going to be too harsh a color on your softer tinted brows. Brow liners, on the other hand, are just the right combination of hard and soft, providing one with the best possible tint match to fill in the lack of proper hair tendrils where they are needed most.
Powder brow pencils come in handy for filling in bald patches you were either born with, accidentally achieved through overzealous plucking, or where a scar left you hairless. Either way, steer clear of using eyeliner in the stead of a brow liner.
Related: Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Fill In Eyebrows

4. You’re Skimping out on the Eyebrows

The older we grow, the sparser our brows are. We mentioned overdoing it through filling in the empty spaces with eyeliner, but it’s also important to make sure you keep the brows well-groomed and filled in with a brow liner.
You want them well-shaped and certainly well-defined. Brow brushes blend and soften the color, while the actual pencil you use should be a hue a notch lighter than your actual brow color.

5. You’re Blushing It All Wrong

There is something very wrong with the whole mouth to ear strokes of the blush brush, especially as one gets older and those cheekbones become more and more prominent. This technique only makes one look gaunt, worn out and well beyond her years in age.
It might work on younger skin where your cheeks are full and you want to achieve a bonier look by thinning it out, but certainly steer clear of this if you do not fit this particular category of chubby cheeked cherubs.
Instead of the streak, opt for a slight swirling over the apples, coming just a little on the higher side and emphasizing a fuller face.

6. Your Blush Is Definitely the Wrong Color

Another common makeup mistake is that sometimes we think that any color blush will work. From time to time the tint does match our general style of looks. More often than not, the color is all wrong, doesn’t match the lips, is way too harsh, too dark or too blue in pigment undertones and simply wrong in every manner.
Always opt for a soft and sheer blush, preferably in the powder category if you have creases to cover up, and give your cheeks a fresh glow. Girls with fairer skin should pick out the rosy pink and peaches, though nothing on the brown side.
Medium skin goes well with any hue, while slightly mauve tones are great with the cooler skin colors.
Darker complexions call for more coral, orange, berry or rich bronze warmer tones, whereas adding anything with a hint of blue or that’s too light will give you an ashen look you certainly want to avoid at all costs.
See also: 105 Beauty Hacks, Tips And Tricks Every Woman Should Know

7. Going Crazy With the Blush

It’s unfortunately too common a mistake to apply too much blush on the cheeks and all in the wrong fashion, instead turning the face into that of a clown’s. The blush is meant to give a woman a healthy sun kissed glow that unfortunately somehow often turns into a rather unhealthy blotch on the cheeks.
Instead of bringing life to one’s complexion, particularly in the middle of winter when we are desperate for some Vitamin D to shed the vampiric dead pale look, we end up looking like glass puppet dolls instead.
You don’t want harsh lines so you should place the color to your apples and blend towards your temples, softening the look as you go. It’s such a vital part of your makeup and so often done dreadfully wrong.

8. The Contouring Is Done All Wrong

There are so many guides to contouring on the Internet these days, no one has reason to get this wrong. Or just skip it altogether if you find it a hassle to enhance your masterpiece that’s your face through this technique.
Contouring has been used by many to change the shape of the face and somehow manage to emulate the look of an individual from another race or nationality overall. The problem is often with the placement of the contouring, as well as with forgetting to blend in properly, instead creating harsh lines where only soft features should be seen.
Using 2 shades of your foundation is the best way to get this right, the darker shade adding shadows over your regular foundation that matches your skin tone perfectly. If you watch enough tutorials on Youtube, chances are you can master this technique rather quickly.

9. You’re Letting the Lipstick Bleed

Of course, you do not mean to do this; you simply have no idea how to stop it. Over time, the lips’ natural definition becomes more blurred, fading out into the skin around it.
Lip pencils come in very handy of course, but not everyone likes to use them. They don’t always look the best; this, of course, depends on the color combinations, but that’s a totally other faux pas to talk about.
Instead of a liner, opt for using a lip brush to slather on the right amount of color without adding too much through applying the tube right onto the lip. The extra lipstick will bleed out and this looks especially terrible if you have decided to use bright reds or deeper hues.
Use a lipstick brush and dap onto the center of the widest part of your lip, spreading it around and defining the lip properly yourself, instead.

10. You’re Using Too Much of That Foundation

If you thought you had your concealer all wrong, double check the type of foundation you use. If you believed the creamier, thicker versions were also moisturizing, think again; instead, you are drying out your skin with too much product slathered onto the face.
If you opt for the coverage the thicker creamy styles provide you with, make sure you are using moisturizer as the foundation to your foundation. Hydrating primers also come in handy, as no one likes cracked skin on the face or elsewhere on the body.
Richer formulas are best for use, especially as your natural moisture is reduced with age.

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